There is a heaviness in you. Sometimes you get flooded with despair, anger, anxiety and panic, and it may come from seemingly nowhere. You feel ‘crazy’ and know you overreact to things. You do and say things you later regret and you have no idea why you did them. You fall into an emotional sinkhole and want to curl up and hide from everyone and everything. You feel broken, worthless, not good enough, and like a failure. You might even believe yourself to be unlovable. The pain is heavy and permeates to the core of you. No matter what you do to not feel it, it still happens. Time and time again. You feel defeated and hopeless.

Positive affirmations do not work for you. Compliments from others fall flat. You may describe yourself as anxious or depressed. You have practiced and attempted all sorts of suggestions and self-help options, but none of them help. You may have seen therapists before but stopped going, leaving and feeling like nothing really got ‘fixed’. Or, perhaps you feel the therapist dumped you and you concluded you are beyond help. And that just makes you feel worse–more evidence of being broken. You feel like now you have even failed therapy.

Imagine a life without those trauma triggers: Feeling loved, whole and confident in your sense of self. You can learn to manage the emotional flooding without those ugly explosions or drops. You can start to feel understood and develop appreciation for yourself. You do, in fact, deserve that. In trauma focused work, I can help you to process out that pain–finally ‘letting go’ like everyone tells you to do. Let’s clear your body and your heart of this pain you have been carrying around for so long. This will help you to feel like you are in control and that feeling emotions no longer has to be a scary or overwhelming thing. You can feel lighter in your being and finally free of these past events that weigh you down.

Ready to get started? Want to learn more? Feel free to email me at [email protected] or WhatsApp 6122405164. You can also click on the link below to send a message.